Gilroy Presbyterian Church | Kids Out and About San Francisco

Gilroy Presbyterian Church

6000 Miller Ave
Gilroy , CA , 95020
Phone: (408) 842-3000
36° 59' 0.4596" N, 121° 34' 36.2064" W
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What our organization offers: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
The United Presbyterian Church of Gilroy was first formally established in 1860, only 11 years after the Gold Rush of 1849 and just six months before the start of the Civil War. Thirteen charter members gathered together at the first church building in Old Gilroy on the Ferguson Ranch. As the establishment of the railroad caused the population of New Gilroy to grow rapidly (to 1,700), the congregation chose to build a church in 1869 on the corner of Church and Fifth Streets. In 1914, electric lights were installed and the church continued to be a beacon of light in a dark world. We are absolutely convinced that there is no real life apart from Him and connecting to Him brings meaning, purpose, and true joy. We are committed to making disciples through worshipping God, sharing His gospel, serving His people, and loving all as He first loved us.


During Sunday School, kids focus on a core virtue each month which engages and challenges them to grow in their relationships with God and the people in their lives. Through interactive messages, games, and worship, we desire to spark a fire of curiosity that will last their entire lives. To get involved, connect with our leaders at 10:30AM for Sunday School via Zoom, where we watch curriculum based videos, play games, and discuss the lesson of the day. If you would like your child to join our virtual Sunday School, please request your Zoom invitation from Jenna at