Cal Poly Swanton Pacific Ranch's Organic U-Pick Apple Orchard | Kids Out and About San Francisco

Cal Poly Swanton Pacific Ranch's Organic U-Pick Apple Orchard

125 Swanton Rd
Davenport , CA , 95017
Phone: (831) 458-5410
37° 2' 34.3716" N, 122° 13' 18.0084" W
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The Organic Apple Orchard is open seasonally to the public, Cal Poly alumni, and grade-school groups. Certified annually by the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) and yielding five tons of apples per year, the ranch's 2-acre orchard produces a diverse array of apples for many uses. The 16 distinct varieties ripen progressively throughout the fall allowing for an extended picking season. Grade-school groups are encouraged to arrange visits to the U-Pick where children receive an overview of ecological processes in organic farming before they set out to collect apples.
